Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy - 20

happy - 20
yapp,,,in 25th desember yesterday was my birthday. Alhamdulillah masih diberi umur panjang sama Allah swt dan bisa sampai di umur ke-20 pas 25 des kemarin. Yaa,,sekarang aku udh berumur 20 tahun, umur kepala dua yang pastinya udh dikategoriin dewasa dong yah. Banyak doa dan harapan yang diucapin dr keluarga, papa, mama, ade, kaka, juga temen-temen, semoga doanya bisa terkabul semuanya yaa,,aminn :D

Bisa ngerayain ulang tahun bareng keluarga sama temen tuh asik banget ya,,tanggal 25 kemarin aku ngerayain bareng keluarga aja dirumah. Dan datanglah sii sahabatku dr SMP indah dan sang pacarnya soly tiba-tiba bikin surprise ditengah hari siang bolong. Thank you yaa indah sayaaaang and I love the gift :*

Dan dihari selanjutnya tanggal 28 desember kemarin lagi-lagi dapet surprise dari temen-temen tercinta dikampus. Makasii banyak lho udah ngerjain dulu bilang mau dikenalin ke cowo, ehh tau nya bukan cowo yang dateng malah kue dan 2 lilin yang dateng, it so surprise me,,Thank you yaa my best :*

 Yaa,,abis tiup lilin dan potong kue lanjut deh ya cewe-cewe tuh kan suka banget sama foto apalagi difoto kan, dan next doing adalah foto session.hehehehe,, 

Makasii ya semua buat surprise dan kadonya,,aku bahagia sekali lho diumur yang ke-20 ini. Dan di pertambahan umur-umur selanjutnya ditunggu juga yaa surprise dan kadonya teman-teman *ngarepp*.hehhehe,,
love you my best :*

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy mother's day

happy mother's day mom,,
love you always mama, not only in this day 22th desember but always love you everyday, everywhere, and everytime.
you like a hero in my life mam, you always bring me up in your fetus for nine months but not even you felt grumble cause having me in your fetus. Too many perfection have you give to me mom, but I can't give as good as what have you give to me. Maybe until this time just love, care and protect that can I give to you mom.
Love you mama,,not exception love you to dad and my sisters <3

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Friends?? Yess,,absolutely need

Who doesn't need a friend???
yesss,,absolutely we really need friends for give some of spirit, beside of our family. Keep our relationship with our friends because it can give many of advantages, when we need a shoulder of her or him at sad moment or in trouble moment and also in the moment full of happiness. Celebrate it with our friends and also our lovely family. <3

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

nobar *nonton bareng*

Spend time with our friends is the best moment, and can gathering together such as watch match of football is one of them.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sushi naga,,so yummy!!!

Yaaapppp,,Having lunch with my mother and my sisters erva - aini in sushinaga BSD, so delicious <3

Sunday, December 11, 2011

ayoo infromatika'09

Turnament futsal di jurusan informatika di kampus sendiri tuh bikin keakraban antara mahasiswa satu sama yang lainnya di 1 jurusan yang sama makin okeee deh,, tetep sportif yaa mainnya,,
Ayoooo informatika 2009 , menangin yaah apalagi ada coach kita yang paling kece alias pembimbing angkatan kita sendiri lho <3 :D

 our team infor'09 with our coach

 and we create the strategy with coach mrs.Dina

 Me, hafez, Kevin and we are supporter

The match 2008 Vs 2009